Online Design Portfolio

Projection Mapping


Conceptual sketches for a 3D animated character to be projected onto a 2D surface. This concept evolves around the idea of electricity. Using an electric box as my static object, the 3D animated character will live inside the box and come to life as it explores the outside world.



The sketches show the top view, side view and perspective view drawings bringing the character to life. Below the initial sketches is a full-color 2D vector image, displaying the transparency of the wings and overall body shape. The character itself will feature light opacities of bright gradients, tying both a vibrant electric aesthetic and a powerful yellow life supply together.

The final sketch is a full-color sketch developed as if the character were actively flying.

Scannable Document on Jan 14, 2019 at 11_32_12 PM.png
Scannable Document on Jan 14, 2019 at 11_51_47 PM.png
Screen Shot 2019-01-26 at 11.09.08 PM.png